A guide to the Minbie pacifier with Julia Wilson - Co Founder of Minbie

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Pacifiers can be a priceless tool to have on hand, especially for those times when bub is struggling to settle and you’re in need of some extra help to safely soothe them. When your little one is well fed and burped but their demanding feeding reflex needs soothing, the Minbie pacifier can be really helpful to distract them, calm them and help them settle themselves to sleep.

How do I know which pacifier to choose?

When you’re doing your research you’ll see lots of different shapes and sizes, and you’ll notice most are very different to the shape and design of the Minbie. There’s a reason for this. 

There are two main styles of pacifier; Cherry and Orthodontic. The cherry pacifier has a bulbous end with a narrower part that attaches to the shield, whereas the orthodontic has a flatter end with the area that attaches to the shield being flatter.

The shape

At a glance you can immediately see Minbie's orthodontic pacifier is flatter and wider so it distributes any contact of the pacifier on the upper gums. 

The goal of both types of pacifier is the same, to provide non-nutritive soothing, however, the issue with the cherry shape is easy to spot. The narrow part sits in the middle of the upper front gums and, together with the bulbous end, adds more pressure, tending to push bub’s upper gums outwards. This can cause misalignment of the front teeth to an overbite as your little one grows. While this may be corrected if you stop pacifier use by around 2 years, it’s safer to prevent these issues altogether by using an orthodontic pacifier like the Minbie. 

" My baby loves the Minbie pacifier! I brought so many before she was born and with her being born early she was struggling with pacifiers but she attached to your pacifier straight away! It has been a dream that’s for sure! Thank you." - Madison



Whilst you may find the cherry shape is perhaps easier for bub to keep in their mouth, the downside is that over time, the bulbous design may negatively impact a baby's palate and upper gum alignment. Minbie’s orthodontic pacifier is not only narrower and wider, its patented design innovation goes beyond that with other key benefits for bub. The Minbie brings the soothing motion forward putting less pressure on the roof of the mouth and the upper gums, so is less likely to have long term negative effects, whilst helping to keep bub's airways open while in use.

Being shorter and new in shape, the Minbie pacifier is more gentle on the palate and upper gums, as well as helping to keep the airways open while babies are using it. This makes it a safer product for your little one. 

"The Minbie pacifier soothing motion assists to strengthen your little one's feeding reflex against reflux and supports their ability to breastfeed." - Julia Wilson Co Founder Minbie  

The shield

The shield (the part that sits outside of the mouth) on the Minbie pacifier is shallower on the upper lip than other designs. This is incredibly important as it makes the pacifier more comfortable for bub and avoids any interference with their breathing. This makes it a very suitable pacifier when needed for premature babies right up until bub can soothe themselves without.  

"She took to it right away. It's lower under her nose than other pacifiers which means it doesn’t rub her nose." - Lauren

The handle

The new handle shape makes the Minbie pacifier very easy for babies to grasp and for you to pick up and hold with just one finger. The one-piece design makes this soother safest for your baby, simple to use and less likely to be dropped. 

"A lifesaver, they've been great, the only pacifier he likes! The midwives at the hospital loved it too" - Courtney

When introducing a pacifier, if your little one seems unsure or isn’t keeping it in, I recommend turning bub towards you whilst you gently hold the handle or use your chest to carefully keep the pacifier in. You can continue to lightly hold the pacifier while they get used to this way of non-nutritive soothing.

Once your baby has mastered soothing with the Minbie pacifier, they can easily keep this uniquely shaped soother in for as long as they need. This will help soothe and calm your little one, by bridging the gap between feeding and sleeping, further enhancing your routine. Other pacifiers simply don’t offer your little one this kind of safe, gentle soothing.  

"For my baby shower, I’d asked for a range of different pacifiers so when our son was born, I could see which he preferred. He didn’t really like any of them but showed a preference for the all-silicone ones. Given that he’s taken to the Minbie bottles, I thought to try the Minbie pacifier. It’s eclipsed all others and now I have about 20 other pacifiers sitting in the cupboard. It is magic, he loves it, so we love it. Thank you! " - Desiree

The Silicone 

As it’s made from hypoallergenic silicone, the Minbie pacifier doesn't have micropores that can trap germs. The open design of the inside of the soother means that sterilisation can reach every surface of the pacifier, ensuring it can be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized with no nooks or crevices for germs to hide, keeping your baby safe.

"So little Dexter is 3 days old and fussing. I don’t know if there is a time frame for thepacifier but I put it in to save my sanity and he seems to love it and it’s quietened him right down!" - Bethany

If you’re looking to introduce a pacifier to your newborn, or you’re a little further down the track and have an older bub who needs some help settling, choose Minbie first. The Minbie pacifier gives you the peace of mind that your baby and your breastfeeding journey are well supported.

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