unique shape offers better protection of bub’s developing jaw and gums.
enhances your rest by creating more seamless transitions between breast and dummy.
keeps bub safe with no hidden corners for germs to hide.
sleep deprived? well now you can safely put a stop to suckling your little one to sleep when you’re in desperate need of sleep yourself. whilst bub is soothing themselves to sleep with the minbie pacifier they’re gently strengthening their feeding motion against reflux protecting your breastfeeding bond.
made from 100% hypoallergenic silicone. no plastic, no toxins!
takes pressure of the babies gum's offering better protection
gently strengthens baby’s sucking reflex not to replace mum’s breast but to activate the hormone (CCK) to induce sleep
for easy holding
means no separate parts, no corners for germs to hide and super easy to clean
shaped for fit and comfort
greenfleet has been planting trees to create sustainable, protected habitat for koalas and other threatened species for 25 years.
Minbie is proud to be donating 15% of pacifier profits to greenfleet to further support their conservation efforts.
greenfleet has been planting trees to create sustainable, protected habitats for koalas and other threatened species for 25 years.
minbie is proud to be donating 15% of pacifier profits to greenfleet to further support their conservation efforts.
elise shows how using the minbie pacifier calms her baby.